Re: routes and netmasks (fwd)

Igor V. Semenyuk (
Sat, 7 Oct 1995 04:25:29 +0300 (MMT)

IMHO the problem is not that you allow some things - it is that
you don't document them.

I like additional features Livingston puts into ComOS and I like
you put them continiously. But I dislike they are poorly documented
and sometimes very obscure. Also some of them are just quick hacks
and don't solve all the problems or introduce new ones.

Pmconsole is outdated (how many options you can't control from it? -
netmasks, dtr_idle, accounting servers...).
Command line interface is inconsistent (why not to display netmasks in
'show route'?).

Consider this "Livingston Support" thread - you would have saved
half of your time spent on support had you issued complete and
up to date documentation and managing interface.

Personally, I can live with all this - I hope I have enough technical
expertise to solve almost all problems, but wasted time is
wasted time. And some problems are unsolvable at all due to poor
design or implementation of some things. For example my current
headache is how to make a bunch of portmasters to look EXACTLY
like one from dialin user's point of view. This is supposed to
be Livingston's primary concern (30 ports is not enough even
for medium ISP) and yet there's no clean solution for it.

If Livingston is interested I can describe why no solution, and
what can be done to solve it. If you think I'm wrong I would like to hear
how to do what I want with the current release of ComOS (3.1.4).

> Once upon a time Igor V. Semenyuk shaped the electrons to say...
> >Is the host route to host 0 legal? For example, is legal?
> I don't believe so, but I'd have to review RFC 1058.
> >I ask this question because Livingston allows to create such routes
> >easiely:
> We allow several shady things, error checking for every thing would be
> ponderous and bloat the ComOS. We turst our users to know what they are
> doing. We're certainly not the only ones who allow this kind of thing,
> some do, some don't. We try to keep everything compact and quick.
> -MZ
> --
> Livingston Enterprises Technical Support
> Phone: 800-458-9966 FAX: 510-426-8951
> <>
> 6920 Koll Center Parkway #220, Pleasanton, CA 94566

Igor V. Semenyuk                    Internet:
SOVAM Teleport                      Phone:    +7 095 258 4170
Moscow, Russia                      Fax:      +7 095 258 4133