RADIUS query

John W. Temples (john@kuwait.net)
Sat, 7 Oct 1995 01:48:27 +0300 (GMT)

I'm a new PM user, moving from a cisco/TACACS environment to RADIUS.
I've installed the RADIUS server from Livingston's FTP server, and it
seems to be working fine, but there are a couple of things I haven't
been able to figure out:

1. I want to be able to let the user specify SLIP/PPP/shell at login
time. I tried "set all host prompt", and looking at the debug output
from the RADIUS server, it appears the Service-Type coming from the PM
is what I'd expect based on what's entered at the host: prompt.
However, it doesn't appear the RADIUS server can provide different
responses for the same user allowing different Service-Types. It
appears the Merit server can do this, but I've had no success getting
the dumbuser/pppuser/slipuser entries to work; I can get a SLIP or PPP
connection, but not a host connection.

2. Is there an easy way to have the RADIUS server invoke an external
program as part of the authentication process? My TACACS server runs
such a program and makes use of its exit status in determining a user's
authentication. I couldn't see any way to do this as easily with
RADIUS without getting into the AATV stuff in the Merit server.


John W. Temples, III       ||       Providing the first public access Internet
Gulfnet Kuwait             ||            site in the Arabian Gulf region