Telnet times out

Tim Moloney (
Fri, 06 Oct 95 18:48:12 edt

I been happily using my Livingston PM-2E for a couple of months now
and I occassionally have a small problem.

When I try to telnet into my PM-2E, it won't respond and the telnet
session times out. Typically this occurs when I run pmwho to see
who's on but it happens with telnet also. No other problems appear to
be occurring. I'll eventually be able to telnet (or pmwho) into the
PM-2E successfully at a later time without doing anything to fix the

Has anyone else seen this or does anyone have any suggestions?


_____ ___ ___ ___
(_ _)( )( \/ ) Tim Moloney Think of something
) ( ) ( ) ( witty and imagine it
(___) (___)(__)\/(__) Sarasota, Florida was written here.