Re: PPP and Terminal services

Stuart Lynne (
6 Oct 1995 22:52:44 GMT

In article <4544j0$>,
Brian 'MegaZone' Bikowicz <> wrote:
>Once upon a time Terry Bohaning shaped the electrons to say...
>>PPP and Terminal Services. Many of my users have
>>long enough names that requiring a .ppp or even
>>adding an initial p will make their user names
>Older releases can handle logins of 31 characters, the latest release can
>handle 63 character logins.

Yes ... but ... Terry is probably referring to the length of the login id
on his system, not what the portmaster accepts at the login: prompt.

What is required is to use either the Livingston version of radius with the
patches to add the P/S hack where the username is prefixed with a P or S to
indicate PPP or SLIP (I believe that the P or S is removed before it is
passed to the os).

Or use one of the merit versions with support for figuring out what the user
wants automatically. For example if he/she uses PAP to connect PPP then
radiusd will give the defaults for a pppuser etc.

Or you can add the P/S hack to merit's version. Or my %server hack to the
merit version. My hack is similiar to the P/S hack but is extensible. If a
user log's in with userid%service the daemon searches the user file for:


The first allows you to setup custom parameters for a specific user. The
second allows you to prevent a user (e.g. free limited help account) from
using the %service hack at all. The last set's up a default for all users
that use that service. Currently we have

%ppp ppp without pap
%slip slip
%ncslip slip without compression
%ruucp ruucp, rlogin to port 541
%uucp uucp, telnet to port 540
%telnet prompt for host to telnet to
%XXX telnet to host XXXX

That accounts for something like 99.9% of our 5000 user accounts.

About all that is required other than the above are the custom ppp and slip
entries for users that need an assigned ip address.

Stuart Lynne <>      604-933-1000      <>
PGP Fingerprint: 28 E2 A0 15 99 62 9A 00  88 EC A3 EE 2D 1C 15 68