Re: Livingston Support and Service Haaaaa (fwd)

Brian 'MegaZone' Bikowicz ((no email))
Fri, 6 Oct 1995 11:33:39 -0700 (PDT)

Once upon a time Christian Nielsen shaped the electrons to say...
>So do we, that comes with the job. I started yesterday at 6am did not get
>home until 1am, yes, one hour past midnight. We all work hard.

That is exactly my point.

I respect the fact that you, the customer, is working hard. I have a number
of friends who run, or work for, ISPs too. I know what it is like on the
other side.

It just really irks me when it is a oneway street, when people act like
we're all sitting around here having a party or laughing at the people waiting
in the queue.

Maybe it is like that some places, but not here. Every last person on the
support team here does more than is required of them. We're not goofing off,
we're not ignoring you. If you don't think it is frustrating to us to not
be able to answer questions immediately, you're wrong. We would like to be
able to have someone on the phone with you the moment you call too. We
can't, but we're doing what we can now and trying to fix it for the future.

>no but we, as in everyone on this list our customers of yours, heck, if
>email is better and faster, I know what I am doing next time, no front
>line call answer person.

And you'll probably get me in response. Keep in mind that if the email
volume soars, there *will* be a front line person screening it first. That
was proposed, I said no because I want to ensure things get answered fast
and correctly. (Of course I make mistakes.) But if it gets to the point
that I can't deal, something will have to change.

>Sounds like my job and others on this list.

Again, one of my points. It's not really different over here. We're all
human, and we have the same problems as everyone else.


You're welcome.

>I have had no problem using lynx..

Right - I forgot about lynx. The layout used now kills some graphics browsers,
notably Mosaic and clones.

>> I don't - but letters like this make it more attractive.
>Don't take it personally. For me, it is all electrons, 1 and 0's

I take pride in what I do for a living (maybe that's unusual), so it bugs
me when people attack the team I work with and insult them.

If you have a complaint, write it out, calmly and rationally, and send it
in - it *will* be passed on and it *will* be taken into consideration.

Rants and attacks don't go very far.


Livingston Enterprises Technical Support
Phone: 800-458-9966      FAX: 510-426-8951  <> 
6920 Koll Center Parkway  #220, Pleasanton, CA 94566