Re: Livingston Support and Service Haaaaa (fwd)

Christian Nielsen (
Fri, 6 Oct 1995 11:31:12 -0600 (MDT)

On Fri, 6 Oct 1995, Brian 'MegaZone' Bikowicz wrote:

> I work on average 10 hours a day, 12 is common, answering the support
> email and list stuff. There is only so many hours in a day that I can sit

So do we, that comes with the job. I started yesterday at 6am did not get
home until 1am, yes, one hour past midnight. We all work hard.

> and handle support questions straight through. So I take a 'break' and
> handle the generally simpler, easier questions on the mailing lists. I am
> also responsible for running all of those lists, so I look at them several
> times a day to make sure nothing is munged.

yes, we run our business, answer email, answer phones, and even go to
peoples houses to help them.

> Many of out customers use email to get support, it is just as viable as the
> phones, so you are no one special because you called IMHO. Since it is

no but we, as in everyone on this list our customers of yours, heck, if
email is better and faster, I know what I am doing next time, no front
line call answer person.

> I run all of the mailing lists, I answer nearly all of the support email,
> and I am in the process of taking over the Web.

Sounds like my job and others on this list.

> You, the customer, isn't losing anything - in fact you've already gained.
> It used to be that there weren't enough resources to deal with email so it
> sat and festered until there was time. Now I answer nearly all of it the
> day it comes in, some things I just don't know and need to track down, but
> rarely does email go more than a couple of days without an answer.


> And as soon as I get my tools assembled, everyone will be able to use our
> web, not just Netscape users. I hope to improve content over time too.

I have had no problem using lynx..

> I don't *have* to work until 10, 11, 12PM, or later. I don't *have* to dial
> in on the weekend and answer the email I can so customers don't have to wait.
> I could do my 9-6 and go home and leave it all to rot.

Either do we. But we do. It kind of comes with the job.

> I don't - but letters like this make it more attractive.

Don't take it personally. For me, it is all electrons, 1 and 0's


Yes, I know. If I only had 26 hours in a day... ;-0