Re: Livingston Support and Service Haaaaa (fwd)

Andy Doolittle ((no email))
Fri, 6 Oct 1995 11:30:00 -0700 (PDT)

> On Fri, 6 Oct 1995, Brian 'MegaZone' Bikowicz wrote:
> > So if you want to slam us for answering things online, you are slamming me
> > personally, and I simply don't take that from anyone.
> >
> > I don't *have* to work until 10, 11, 12PM, or later. I don't *have* to dial
> > in on the weekend and answer the email I can so customers don't have to wait.
> > I could do my 9-6 and go home and leave it all to rot.
> >
> > I don't - but letters like this make it more attractive.
> Ah, don't fret we love ya.
> Personally, I have been rather impressed by the quality of your e-mail
> responses, and their promptness.
> Don't waste your time even responding to letters like that.
> Livingston's tech support isn't perfect by any means, but it's pretty
> darn good, and I haven't seen anything better from any other companies.

Actually, I kinda look forward to these little exchanges. It seems
every few months someone gets a little pissed off and tells the world
about it (which I completely sympathize with - I'm working with
MickeySoft stuff at the moment 8-), which gets followed by a few "me,
too" replies, which get followed by a bunch of (I can't put it any
better) "Ah, don't fret we love ya." and the whole thing dies down after
a while.

It's nice to know that we're still doing enough right to have such loyal
customers, and that even the occasional complainer usually stays in the

Let the flames continue - much more interesting than modem init strings
IMHO 8-)

Some days you're the whacker, some days you're the mole.

My opinions, of course, are my own, unless they were given to me by my

Andrew Doolittle - Sr. Engineer Livingston Enterprises
email: vmail: (800)458-9966
smail: 6920 Koll Center Parkway, #220\n Pleasanton, CA 94566