Re: routes and netmasks (fwd)

Brian 'MegaZone' Bikowicz ((no email))
Fri, 6 Oct 1995 10:35:35 -0700 (PDT)

Once upon a time Hugh Messenger shaped the electrons to say...
>> We trust our users to know what they are doing.
>*snort* (sound of coffee going up nose).

Seriously - how do you rather we treat customers, as intelligent people who
just need a pointer in the right direction, and we can go into more detail
as they need it. Or as clueless people who all need to be led around in
baby steps?

I've dealt with both kinds of tech support organizations, 90% of the time
I am in the former group. I know I'm missing something stupid and I just
need someone to smack me upside the head with the fact I can't see. I don't
need to have everything explained, it wastes time on both sides, and is
annoying. I've taken to starting out with "BTW, I do networking support
myself..." when I call some place, I find that most of the time they
immediately raise the tech level in the conversation.

We try to treat people according to the assumption that most of our users
just need some help solving their problem, and those who need more are going
to ask for more.

Personally I think it is the better system - and most of out customers are
technically knowledgable, so they do just need a few details explained.


Livingston Enterprises Technical Support
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