Re: "Connecting" (fwd)

Stefan Hudson (
Wed, 4 Oct 1995 09:40:01 -0700 (PDT)

> PAP and CHAP are two types of PPP authentication protocols. RADIUS is
> a different type. To my knowledge, and my experience, you cannot use
> RADIUS and PAP/CHAP together. Maybe someone has found a way to do this,
> although the reasons are beyond me as RADIUS is much more robust and
> detailed than either PAP or CHAP.

RADIUS and PAP/CHAP are completely different things, and you certainly can
use them together. PAP or CHAP are PPP authentication protocols, which are
used to authenticate the remote computer to the portmaster. RADIUS is then
used by the portmaster to contact a central UNIX based user database to see
if the host that just authenticated itself via PAP/CHAP (or a standard login)
should be allowed to log in.

     /// Stefan Hudson <>  
__  /// Senior Network Administrator
\\\/// Monterey Bay Internet  -  Email:
 \XX/ Voice: 408-642-6100  Fax: 408-642-6101 Modem: 408-642-6102