ISDN ? (fwd)

Brian 'MegaZone' Bikowicz ((no email))
Tue, 3 Oct 1995 16:25:19 -0700 (PDT)

Once upon a time Dick St.Peters shaped the electrons to say...
>Yesterday NYNEX said they won't install the ISDN until they see a
>'spec sheet' on the equipment I'm going to use with them. Is this
>normal? Or are they just stalling?

Until I moved to CA to work for Livingston I lived in NYNEX turf all my
life - upstate NY and then central MA - bottom line is:

NYNEX sucks.

I can't be any plainer than that, not once did I have an account with them
that I didn't have problems. And when we were having ISDN setup at my last
job, just finding someone who knew what ISDN *was* at NYNEX was a pain.

"ISDN, what's that? Do we offer that?"

I'm serious.

They probably want to know what terminal type it is, although they also
tend to ask for a lot of things they really don't need. *shrug*

If NYNEX doesn't like what you have now, send me email and I'll see what I
can find. Since it is beta HW even I don't have all the details on it.

(It is awesome stuff, I have had a chance to play with it a bit. ;-) )

Now I just need ISDN to home and an ISDN Office Router to 'test'. :-)


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