Re: ISDN ?

Chris Woods (
Tue, 3 Oct 1995 14:09:14 -0400 (EDT)

On Tue, 3 Oct 1995, Dick St.Peters wrote:

> Yesterday NYNEX said they won't install the ISDN until they see a
> 'spec sheet' on the equipment I'm going to use with them. Is this
> normal? Or are they just stalling?


> Any guesses as to what NYNEX is really looking for - and what the
> answers are?

NYNEX has to configure the ISDN service specifically for the type of
equipment you use. The biggest thing they need to worry about is "Terminal
Type". The 2 I have dealt with are Terminal Type B and Type D. I have
never used Livingston's BRI cards (of course), but of the ones I have
used, almost all are of Term Type B. The Gandalf was Term Type D, while
Motorola (BitSurfr and UTA220) and Ascend Pipeline were Term Type B.

As far as I know, that is all they need to know, but I am sure the sales
rep is asking for a general spec sheet in an attempt to avoid more

Of course, you will need similar specs from NYNEX to configure such things
as ISDN "protocol" (NI-1, AT&T P-t-P, etc.) and bonding ability, as well
as whether or not its CSV/CSD or CSD/CSD (if you're using 2 channels).

ISDN still sucks, at least in NYNEX land.

Chris Woods Senior System Administrator USAinternet, Inc.
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