Re: Livingston SNMP bugs

root (
Mon, 2 Oct 1995 18:16:54 -0700 (PDT)

> Once upon a time root shaped the electrons to say...
> >Oh come ON now. I *TOLD* the portmaster what the speed of the port was, and
> >it sure as hell knows:
> Wrong. That setting is just a notation and has no effect on operation.
> Truthfully the PM has no idea what the speed of that port is. That parameter
> is just a notepad for humans to mark what they think/expect it to be.

So WHY NOT PASS IT ON IN ifSpeed? If it doesn't matter to the Portmaster,
what's the excuse for NOT sending it along in SNMP? If the user wants it
to be *0*, they will set it to *0*, and it will get passed along that
way!. If they want ifSpeed to report *1536000*, they will SET it to
*1536000*, and it will get pssed along in SNMP that way.

> >And returning a speed of 0 for ethernet? Gimme a break. You can't tell me that
> >Livingston doesn't know the speed of ethernet...
> Ethernet is always the same speed, why track it and what difference does it
> make it if is reported?

It matters to the SNMP monitoring software, that's why. It depends on the
devices to report the speed correctly, which every device we have **EXCEPT**
Livingston does.

Can you give me a reasonable explanation why the Livingston SNMP
reports *0* for ether0 ifSpeed, when Morningstar, Cisco, 3COM, HP,
Adtran, CMU, et. al. report it correctly? Or does Livingston just like
to be different?
