Re: "Connecting"

Tom Haddock (
Mon, 2 Oct 1995 11:16:06 GMT

>Check and double check that his login and password are correct... I
>see this sort of behavior when the password isn't entered/set correctly.
>Also check other PPP parameters (I'm guessing about what sort of
>connection he has...), it may mean that it can't "negotiate" the PPP
>successfully (especially PAP/CHAP settings).
>> From: Pat McClanahan <>
>> Date: Sun, 1 Oct 1995 22:48:53 -0500 (CDT)
>> Subject: "Connecting"
>> I have a user that gets connects to our modem bank, can enter his login
>> id and password, but then the PM sits there with a status of "Connecting"
>> until the connections times out. The user never does get a usable connection.
>> Any ideas as to what the problem is or suggestions as to potential
>> resolutinos of this??
I have 300 clients on slip and every thing was fine . I have changed over
to PPP for Win 95 and Trumpet Winsock for the last 50 clients. Since that
time I have the same problem as above ie Portmaster shows connecting but not
established or the modem hangs up when traffic starts. Solution: Change them
over to SLIP and all is well.

I suspect the modem type to be at fault and the solution to be MTU etc
settings a fix.

I would rather use PPP for Win 95 compatibility.
