Livingston SNMP bugs

root (
Mon, 2 Oct 1995 01:27:35 -0700 (PDT)

I've found a number of annoying bugs with the Livingston implementation of
SNMP that prevents us from getting useful monitoring information out of
our PM2eR's.

The first problem is that the 'ifSpeed' parameter is not reported
correctly. Regardless of the type of interface, it always returns 0. This
is not good.

To illustrate the problem, I've included SNMP dumps of our Morningstar
routers (which return correct information) and then one of our PM2eR's (which
returns bogus information).

Can someone please look into this? IMHO it should be an easy fix, and would
make our PM2eR's that much more useful.

Morningstar SNMP (Express, 1.7fr):
Interface parameter of router []:
ifIndex ifDescr ifSpeed ifMtu ifPhysAddress
1 enet0 10000000 1500 00:03:C6:00:03:CE
2 lo0 0 1536
3 tty0 1536000 1500
4 tty1 56000 1500
5 tty2 56000 1500

Livingston SNMP (PM2eR, ComOS 3.1.3c2):
Interface parameter of mfr []:
ifIndex ifDescr ifSpeed ifMtu ifPhysAddress
1 ether0 0 1500 00:C0:05:01:16:26
^^^^^ - Incorrect, should be 10000000
97 frmW1 0 1500
^^^^^ - Incorrect, should be 1536000

The second bug is not fatal, but causes our monitoring software to
incorrectly label the interface as 'other' instead of frame relay:

Morningstar SNMP (Express, 1.7fr):
Interface status of router []:
ifIndex ifDescr ifAdminStatus ifOperStatus (ifType)
1 enet0 up up (ethernet-csmacd)
2 lo0 up up (softwareLoopback)
3 tty0 up up (frame-relay)
4 tty1 up up (ppp)
5 tty2 up up (ppp)

Livinsgon SNMP (PM2eR, COmOS 3.1.3c2):
Interface status of mfr []:
ifIndex ifDescr ifAdminStatus ifOperStatus (ifType)
1 ether0 up up (ethernet-csmacd)
97 frmW1 up up (other)
Incorrect - should be frame-relay
