(PM) Questions about PM3's

brian rea (brea@stargate.net)
Wed, 29 Dec 1999 11:11:57 -0500

I have a problem that I have encountered and I am having trouble explaining
it. I am wondering if anyone else has expierenced it and can explain.

We had a POP with about 15 PM3's in it all running OSPF. The reported IP's
for the POP was the IP of the first portmaster. We went out and replaced the
first 12 PM3's with a TNT. The TNT was given the same address of the first
PM3 and all was going well until last night. Last night when users spiled
over in the hunt group to the PM3's they were unable to route. When they did
a traceroute it died at the reported address of the PM3 (The TNT). The fix
was to reboot the PM3's and all routing was well again. When we installed
the TNT we didn't reboot the PM3's so I'm wondering if something went on
with them where they still thought that the reported address was a PM3?

Brian Rea
Stargate Industries LLC
40 24th St.
Pittsburgh PA 15222
(412) 316-7827 x7616

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