(PM) Modems Down

Norris Sydnor (nsydnor@capcity.com)
Tue, 28 Dec 1999 20:59:03 -0500

Saw something very interesting today on our PM3s running COMos 3.9b27. This
afternoon we got reports of busy signals on some lines. So, I opened up
PMVision and used the monitor option and it showed all modems with red
lights with the exception of about 10 that had users on them. Don't know
what sent them into an error state but they were. I have never seen this
happen before in the 2+ years we have been using PM3s. We will probably
report this to the beta team since we have never seen this happen until
today (about 2 days after upgrading from 3.9b22 to 3.9b27. Anyway, I did a
reboot on the machine and is all is well (With my fingers and toes crossed).

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