(PM) Can't netboot a PM-25

Pete Templin (templin@urdirect.net)
Fri, 24 Dec 1999 11:17:00 -0600 (EST)

I've got a PM-25 which got a little confused after installing ComOS
3.9b10. Now, I'm trying to netboot it to get started all over again, and
I get

Requesting tftp of /tftpboot/D8881C24.P25 from server d8881c21
Request failed - 2 Access violation
Requesting tftp of /tftpboot/GENERIC.P25 from server d8881c21
Request failed - 2 Access violation

Because my TFTP server won't allow a / in front of the pathname.
Likewise, the NetBoot 1.0 comes up with:

C:\Program Files\Lucent\NetbootServer\/tftpboot/GENERIC.P25

How on earth can I get this beast back to life?


Peter J. Templin, Jr., CCNA
Systems and Networks Administrator

On-Line Internet Services - URDirect.net A division of Global On-Line Computers 2414 Babcock Rd. Suite 106 templin@urdirect.net San Antonio, TX 78229 (210)692-9911

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