(PM) weird second channel problem

Lookman Fazal (fazall@research.bell-labs.com)
Mon, 20 Dec 1999 13:48:17 -0500

Hello all

I have bunch portmaster 3 running ver 3.8. Its using radius for

On the BRI end I have cisco760 and 770s.

The problem I face is that when make manual call from my cisco760
eg call 8234 where 8234 is the number for the PRI, both the channels
come up and when I do a show sess I see both the channels as they have
dialed a 4 digit extension ie 8234 All this works fine

But when I bring up the channels automatically for eg intiate a ping
command so that it brings up both the channels, I see that the first
channel has dialed a 4 digit extension ie 8234 however the second
channel tries to dial 7 digit extension 5828234
and fails to connect

Another question is where is it getting the 7 digit from to dial???

I would appreicate if anyone can help me to solve this issue

PS: No matter which portmaster and which PRIs I use, I see the same
problem. I know this is not a telco problem because when i replace the
portmaster with a Cisco CB-900 and reconfigure the BRI to dial the
CB-900 everything works ie manual dial and automatic dial both bring the
second channel up with a 4 digit extension

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