Re: (PM) bonding 2 bri's

Al Hopper (
Thu, 16 Dec 1999 12:20:38 -0600 (CST)

On Thu, 16 Dec 1999, Butch Kemper wrote:

> At 03:13 PM 12/15/1999 , you wrote:
> >I have a customer that has two BRI's, and would like to take advantage of
> >all four channels and dial into my PM3.
> >
> >I know someone spoke about the cisco ?? router that did this for them, was
> >hoping someone on the list has done this (is doing this) and what are they
> >using on the customer side to dial into the PM3 with two BRI's, bonding
> >all channels.
> I have done it with a PM2e and the 5BRI card. Given what I have seen on
> the used equipment lists, you can put together a box that will do it for
> less than $1,000.

Yes, but don't forget that the PM2 does not do compression!

Al Hopper Logical Approach Inc, Plano, TX.
Voice: 972-379-2133 Fax: 972-379-2134
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