(PM) Route to negotiated dialout location

Blaz Zupan (blaz@gold.amis.net)
Wed, 15 Dec 1999 15:29:06 +0100 (CET)

Let's say that I have an on-demand dialout location and that I don't know
the IP address of the remote peer (because it is one out of several
possible terminal servers who will be accepting the call).

Ok, so I do

set location somelocation destination negotiated

Can I point a static route at that location and make it dial out? Can I
somehow "set gateway" to that location?

Before anyone asks, I need to setup dial backup for a frame relay link on
a PM2ER and I want the location dialed as soon as the frame relay link
goes down. This is simple, as long as the remote machine you're dialing to
has a known (and static) IP, but as soon as you are dialing to a dialup
pool that has several terminal servers, this breaks.

How will this be handleded on the OR for NATed ondemand customers when
ComOS 3.9bXX for it finally comes out? Or do you expect every customer
using the OR to know his ISP's terminal server IP address and that address
to always be the same?

In Cisco term what is needed is "routing to interfaces" instead of
"routing to IP's".

Blaz Zupan, blaz@amis.net, http://home.amis.net/blaz/
Medinet d.o.o., Linhartova 21, 2000 Maribor, Slovenia

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