Re: (PM) PM2e as console server... revisited

Thomas C Kinnen (
Mon, 13 Dec 1999 22:09:35 -0800

Kevin Martin wrote:

> It doesn't seem to be working. Part of it's my inexperience with the PM,
> I'm sure, but sheesh, I don't want any of the PM's bells or whistles; I just
> want a plain vanilla serial connection from S1 to another arbitrary port --
> say, S4. Don't want to run PM daemons on my Suns nor anything of the sort.
> Serial in, serial out, thanks and have a nice day.

What does the port's config look like? Here is a port my my reverse server:

ComOS - Livingston PortMaster

login: !tom
skuld> show s2
----------------------- Current Status - Port S2 ---------------------------
Status: IDLE
Input: 314788 Parity Errors: 0
Output: 1 Framing Errors: 0
Pending: 0 Overrun Errors: 0
Modem Status: DCD+ CTS+

Active Configuration Default Configuration (* = Host
-------------------- --------------------- Can Override)
Port Type: Device Device (Security)
Device Service: Telnet@6002 Telnet@6002
Baud Rates: 9600 9600,9600,9600
Databits: 8 8
Stopbits: 1 1
Parity: strip strip
Flow Control: RTS/CTS RTS/CTS
Modem Control: off off
Hosts: default

Host Device: Network
Terminal Type:
Login Prompt: $hostname login:
skuld> attach s2
Trying ...
Connected - Escape character is '^]'.

hal console login:

Thomas C Kinnen - <> <>
[RADIUS Engineer] - LUCENT Technologies INS
"All of the opinions stated above are my own and not my employer's,
unless they were given to me by my employer"
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