(PM) Problem With Portmaster 2E

Eron Cohen (eron@in-sync.com)
Mon, 13 Dec 1999 12:45:49 -0500

I am relatively new to network administration and have recently inherited a
Portmaster 2E (with ComOS 3.7.2) I've got everything up and running almost
perfectly (netusers can dialup, login with a PPP connection, and browse
websites up to a point), but I have one major problem that cannot solve:

If a user tries to submit a form on a webpage, it usually won't work, the
browser just hangs and acts like its searching for the webpage. On the
other hand, if the user just clicks on a URL link on the same page, it will
work fine. Also, if a user tries to SEND email, it won't go (even though
they can receive mail from the same server). I have no idea how to
troubleshoot this problem.

I'd really appreciate any suggestions for help.

Thank You,


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