Re: (PM) Re: (ANNC) ComOS 3.9b26 available for open beta

Brian Elfert (
Thu, 9 Dec 1999 21:20:27 -0600 (CST)

On Fri, 10 Dec 1999, Mike Tancsa wrote:

> making the initial connection. The place where it really wins however, is
> in all the reporting and debugging features. There is WAY more there then
> on the PM3 which seems very limited by comparison.

I also have a 5300 for eval. It may have more debugging, but it's ten
times more complex to set up than a PM3. There are at least five
different ways to set up just about everything, and you can't use 20% of
them due to IOS bugs. It took me two days to get Radius fully working.
OSPF didn't work 100% until after I called Cisco support. I can think of
three ways off the top of my head to configure the modem/asnyc ports, and
I'm sure there are other ways.

I may yet stay with the PM3.


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