Re: (PM) Differences between 3.9b24 and 3.9b26 (for PM3)

Dave Mullender (
Fri, 10 Dec 1999 06:41:53 -0000

On 9 Dec 99, at 15:09, Michael Bryan wrote:

> Since the release notes for 3.9b26 document the bug fixes since
> 3.8.2, but do not indicate exactly which intermediate release a
> given bug was fixed in, it's not immediately obvious which bugs
> were fixed between 3.9b24 and 3.9b26. Since I wanted to know
> (and figured others would want to know as well), I went back
> through all of the 3.9b* release notes, and compared the bug
> fixes against the list in the 3.9b26 release notes. Here are
> the items that I believe are new:


Thanks for the info Brian, it was real useful I was going to have to
do the same thing. I wish Lucent would take the effort to break
down release notes for open betas so that we knew what had
changed between Beta release surely thats the whole point?!

I can understand bundling all the notes together for the full release
but for a Beta its a co-operation thing and knowing whats changed
and whats not help to decide whether to try the next Beta or not.

Just my five pence worth


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