Re: (PM) Re: (ANNC) ComOS 3.9b26 available for open beta

Dave Cates (
Thu, 09 Dec 1999 11:40:27 -0700


I do agree the modem code has a little ways to go, but I recently purchased
a max 3048 and it is about to go back because it is a piece of shit. I
have never had a PM3 just stop taking calls all together and disappear off
my network. This has happened 2 times in less than 2 months with this max
and they have upgraded the software twice for me. The stupid GUI on it
sucks, the setup sucks, the documentation sucks, the software that comes
with it sucks, so why the hell did I keep it??? The modem code gave me
some robustness so if I couldn't get a modem to work good with my PM3's I'd
give them the direct number to the Max. Now I have to worry about wether
or not this piece of shit is going to die every night I leave here. I'm
happy with my PM3's, lucent please continue to work on the modem code and
not new features :)


>At 11:44 AM 12/9/99 +0000, you wrote:
>>wish they would stop adding features and fix the damn modem code.
>>{ Admin}

Thanks in advance,
Dave Cates
I-NET of New Mexico

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