(PM) Re: How do you shut off LINE0 remotely?

Thomas C Kinnen (tkinnen@lucentradius.com)
Sat, 04 Dec 1999 10:49:24 -0800

Mia's Virtual Post Office wrote:

NOTE: Do not CC the mail list, specific people from Lucent and support on the
same e-mail. This may deley getting an answer from support or a ticket
properly opened.

> Is there a way to turn off line0 or line1 remotely? We have a problem
> after moving our ISP. Apparently Ameritech has screwed up again! The
> lead trunk in our hunt is having trouble taking calls. Some connect,
> some don't. Also, there is tremendous packet loss when they do connect.
> Connect speeds to this trunk are usually 19,200 to 26,400.
> Line0 is having the trouble, but line1 on the same PM3 works fine! Also,
> my other PM3's in the hunt work.

Move the line and see if the problem follows the line. You can try setting
the line into loopback mode but depending on the switch it may cause all calls
to be busy even if there are lines free on the other PRIs. Also if you have
moved try checking the cable and jack.

Thomas C Kinnen - <tkinnen@lucentradius.com> <kinnen@lucent.com>
[RADIUS Engineer] - LUCENT Technologies INS
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