Re: (PM) Raptor Mobile/Type 94

Carey Jones (
Sat, 4 Dec 1999 02:36:11 -0600

+-------- Thomas C Kinnen wrote:
| Carey Jones wrote:
| > ISP's network, it works flawlessly. We are not filtering anything out
| > of the ordinary on either our IRX router or PM2s. Do I need to do anything
| Define "Out of the ordinary" as a filter could very easily be the problem.

Well, in this case, "out of the ordinary" means "anything at all," as I
removed all filters from both machines as part of the debugging effort.
Before I removed all of the filters, there were only specific hosts/blocks
that were denied, not any sort of protocols. I removed them anyway just
in case I was missing something painfully obvious.

Anyway, sorry for the weird word usements I structured. (:

- Carey

"They called me mad, and I called them mad, and damn them, they outvoted me."
    -- Nathaniel Lee, on being consigned to a mental institution, 
       circa 17th century.
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