(PM) PM3 Freeze (went non-responsive)

John W Baxter (jwblist@olympus.net)
Fri, 3 Dec 1999 21:54:38 -0800

We had a lightly-loaded PM3 go non-responsive in a remote location this
morning. The PM3 serves one CT1, with 10 trunks turned up (and two
10-modem cards: rather more than enough). An IRX handles its routing
(fortunately, see below). Site also contains a PM2e with 23 in-service
modems attached.

We were alerted when a customer who dials this machine called to say he
couldn't connect. Telnet to the machine failed.

Fortunately (and not accidentally) the PM2 has the site's UPS attached, so
we power cycled the site remotely and were back up quickly. [We wanted to
attach the UPS to the IRX to get it one hop closer to us, but couldn't get
the combination talking to each other reliably, so we moved it back to the

No OSPF, no SNMP. No idea what the problem was. Machine had been up for
less than a month following an addressing change and resboot.

I suppose this thread will run in parallel with the PM3 spontaneous reboots
thread (that has happened to us once (on a now-old ComOS version) in all
the time we've been running PM3s).


John Baxter   jwblist@olympus.net      Port Ludlow, WA, USA
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