(PM) Raptor Mobile/Type 94

Carey Jones (mcj-pm@bluetonic.org)
Fri, 3 Dec 1999 16:20:44 -0600

Upon searching the mailing list archives, I've found that this issue has
been brought up before but there was never really a final answer.

We have a customer using a software package called Raptor Mobile. It
uses some sort of IP-within-IP protocol to establish a connection. Over
our network, the software refuses to establish the tunnel. Over another
ISP's network, it works flawlessly. We are not filtering anything out
of the ordinary on either our IRX router or PM2s. Do I need to do anything
to enable this to work? I can't seem to find any sort of documentation on
it anywhere. If I'm just looking in the wrong places, I would appreciate
pointers to the appropriate docs.

Router version output:
Livingston PortMaster IRX ComOS 3.7.2R

Portmaster 2 version output:
Livingston PortMaster PM-2e ComOS 3.7.2

So, am I just screwed, or is there a way to do this? (:

- Carey

"They called me mad, and I called them mad, and damn them, they outvoted me."
    -- Nathaniel Lee, on being consigned to a mental institution, 
       circa 17th century.
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