(PM) Dialback definitions

menachem golan (golan1@eun.co.il)
Thu, 2 Dec 1999 09:04:11 +0200


I have a PM3 ver 3.9b24 with 1 pri connection.
I did the following definitions for dialback:

add location loc1
set location loc1 manual
set location loc1 telephone 058743912
set location loc1 username myname
set location loc1 password mypass
set location loc1 protocol ppp
set location loc1 destination

Than I defined user "user1" that is connected to that location (with

When I dialed the PM3 I got the message "dialback..." but no ring from the
phone 05-8743912

Can somone tell me what is wrong ?

TIA Meanchem Golan

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