Re: (PM) Combine T1 and PRI on same PM3?

John Gonzalez/netMDC admin (
Sun, 28 Feb 1999 01:07:04 -0700 (MST)

Let's extend this question a little farther. Has anyone fed a box with a
CT1 as WELL as BRI's muxed with an Adtran Atlas 800 into one unit? I
assume it should work the same, unless there are some weird clocking
issues that the adtran adds?

On Sat, 27 Feb 1999, John W Baxter wrote:
-| At 23:54 -0500 2/27/99, Nicky Smith wrote:
-| > Has anyone put a PRI and a Channelized T1 on the same PM3?
-| Yes.
-| > Had any problems? Will this work okay?
-| If we have had any problems, we haven't recognized them.
-| It is said by folks who should know (eg, MegaZone) that it's better
-| to have the PRI in line0 and the CT1 in line1 than the other way
-| around.
-| We've done it both ways, without obvious harm. We currently have the
-| PRI in line 0.
-| --John
-| --
-| When there is nothing pressing, putter around with this or that.
-| (Fortune cookie)
-| John W. Baxter (or jwblist if responding to
-| mailing list)
-| Port Ludlow, WA USA
-| -
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