Re: (PM) Cirrus Logic based modems.

Craig Baird (
Thu, 25 Feb 1999 14:52:12 -0700

Yup! I just figured it out last night. I have a bunch of customers
with Jaton Communicator V.90 modems. They have a fair amount of trouble
connecting and maintaining a reliable connection. Anyway, they use
Cirrus Logic chipsets. I dug into the Jaton docs last night, and found
that they (at least firmware ver. 6.04) basically use the same type of
string as Rockwell modems. Here's what I did:


This limits it to 37333.

I did notice, however, that there were some V.90 speeds that it would
not take. For example, 42667 was not an option. It seems like the only
V.90 speeds that it would take were: 37333, 45333, 49333, and 52,667.
I can't remember for sure--I can check tonight if you need them. If you
put in a speed that it doesn't like, it won't work--it'll just say that
the modem is not responding. Also, all of the xx,66x speeds are xx,667
not xx,666. For example, you have to put in 52,667, not 52,666.

To limit it to V.34 (which is what I ended up having to do last night),
do this:


When trying V.90 speeds on this particular modem, the fastest I could
get was 19.2. As soon as I locked it to V.34, I was on at 26.4 (ComOS

Xpressweb Internet Services

> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> Date: Thu, 25 Feb 1999 15:01:04 -0600
> From: "Donald E. Zelenak Jr." <>
> To:
> Subject: (PM) Cirrus Logic based modems.
> I've done some searching and found a couple of places (Including
> that you cannot limit the connection speed on a Cirrus Logic based 56K
> modem. I have a customer with one of these and it just wont connect at
> all.. Anyone know of a string for these modems?
> Don
> UDNet
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