(PM) What is Livingston's ChoiceNet Notifier?

Louis A. Brugman (lbrugman@acromag.com)
Thu, 25 Feb 1999 12:43:10 -0500

I was checking for new releases of software today and came across a program
called ChoiceNet Notifier on the Livingston/Lucent site. Does this replace
the old SysLog Daeman for NT users to catch notifications from Portmasters
that run in NT server environments instead of Unix standard logging

Louis A. Brugman, Applications Engineer
Acromag, Inc.
248-624-1541 ext. 243 phone
248-624-9234 fax
LBrugman@acromag.com <mailto:LBrugman@acromag.com>
http://www.acromag.com <http://www.acromag.com>

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