(PM) Two Standard 56K Modems, Can they communicate at 56K to each othe

Louis A. Brugman (lbrugman@acromag.com)
Thu, 25 Feb 1999 12:08:06 -0500

I have two standard US Robotics (3 Com) 56K V.90 modems. Can they
communicate to each-other at 56K? I don't think so. The fastest they have
connected is 33,600 bps. I'm pretty sure that a standard 56K modem can only
download to 56K and upload at 33,600.

I was told that I would have to have my telco split off a channel of my T1
for a user to connect to us at 56K. Is this true? Does this mean the telco
has the 56K server or ISP modem? Is there a special type of modem I should
purchase on the server or ISP end?

Thanks in advance for your help.


Louis A. Brugman, Applications Engineer
Acromag, Inc.
248-624-1541 ext. 243 phone
248-624-9234 fax
LBrugman@acromag.com <mailto:LBrugman@acromag.com>
http://www.acromag.com <http://www.acromag.com>

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