(PM) OT: Any recommendations for firewalls?

Chris Wisecarver (chrisw1@mediasoft.net)
Thu, 25 Feb 1999 12:11:34 -0500

A customer of ours wants to setup a extremely secure firewall. He will be
connecting to us through the spiffy new 802.11 wireless lan stuff so the
firewall must have an ethernet port on both sides. We have looked at the
Cisco PIX and the Lucent units. The Cisco looks like it will do what we
want but I talked to another sysadmin the other day who said that we should
use an application level instead of another box. He suggested building one
on a Unix(some flavor) box. My thoughts are that there are so may different
things that can go wrong if you use an application level firewall. Plus it
is more of a security risk. If anyone has any suggestions on an application
level firewall or a stand alone, Send me an e-mail.

Chris Wisecarver
MediaSoft Internet Services
Leesburg, VA

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