Re: (PM) Any Experiences and Opinions?

Jon Clemons (
Thu, 25 Feb 1999 07:24:20 -0600

Are you sure its an A1 as opposed to a 1AESS switch??? If it is a 1AESS
switch then you can switch your current setup to a trunkside line with B8ZS and
ESF. Your current setup looks like a lineside T-1 which is not good for PCM
connections if not impossible. Been there and done that exact scenario on a
1AESS. If you need any help give me a shout.

Joseph Covey wrote:

> We have a remote POP where the Telco has a A1 (???) switch.
> I know nothing about this A1 switch accept that my only line choice is as
> follows:
> ---------------------- line1 - T1 Inband DS0 ---------------
> Status: UP Framing: D4 Encoding: AMI PCM: u-law
> Signaling: FXS loop start
> These are the only options that the Telco has available.
> This is strictly a 56k dial-up location and we are having very little to no
> success
> in getting customers connected above 28800 :( I do have about 50 of 600
> customers
> getting V.90 and Kflex connects. This is really discouraging and making my
> customers
> irate. I have tryed a different vendors dial-in equip and get the same
> results. I am running
> ComOS 3.8.2 and have no problem with the PM3. No errors showing on line0 and
> line1.
> Anyone have any experience with this Telco setup and if so was it successful
> in providing
> reliable 56k access?
> Appreciate any information :)
> Joseph Covey
> Systems Administrator
> Intellex Internet Provider
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