(PM) Any Experiences and Opinions?

Joseph Covey (portmaster@intellex.com)
Thu, 25 Feb 1999 00:11:11 -0600

We have a remote POP where the Telco has a A1 (???) switch.
I know nothing about this A1 switch accept that my only line choice is as

---------------------- line1 - T1 Inband DS0 ---------------

Status: UP Framing: D4 Encoding: AMI PCM: u-law

Signaling: FXS loop start

These are the only options that the Telco has available.

This is strictly a 56k dial-up location and we are having very little to no
in getting customers connected above 28800 :( I do have about 50 of 600
getting V.90 and Kflex connects. This is really discouraging and making my
irate. I have tryed a different vendors dial-in equip and get the same
results. I am running
ComOS 3.8.2 and have no problem with the PM3. No errors showing on line0 and
Anyone have any experience with this Telco setup and if so was it successful
in providing
reliable 56k access?

Appreciate any information :)

Joseph Covey
Systems Administrator
Intellex Internet Provider

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