Re: (PM) lucent really starting to piss me off (fwd)

Stephen Zedalis (
Thu, 25 Feb 1999 08:05:40 -0500 (EST)

On Wed, 24 Feb 1999, MegaZone wrote:

>Whether or not you like it, 3.8.2 is a *release*.

Yep, and its a piss-poor *release*. Numerous users have had to backstep
to 3.8 to solve massive disconnect problems with 3.8.2. And YES we have
informed Lucent Tech Support of this. The response was, "Well we have so
many of these, we will just take your info. You probably won't hear back
from us directly on this until there is a new ComOS"

>Perhaps it is due to a forced change in the chipset used. If the chips
>they'd been using were no longer available and they had to use a newer
>revision it may mean revised drivers, which - of course - would mean new

Yeah, and if we have a current modem card go bad... That means we will
probably get 3.8.2 jammed down our throats just to get the cards

Plus, why do we have to hear all this third hand? Why wasn't there a note
in the PM-3 box noting the "upgrade" of the modems. Or any mention of it
on the web page? Why do we have to hear it from the distributor?

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