(PM) lucent really starting to piss me off (fwd)

MegaZone (megazone@megazone.org)
Wed, 24 Feb 1999 23:04:33 -0800 (PST)

Once upon a time Jay Teutenberg shaped the electrons to say...
>I am suprised that more people arent writing into this list to
>complain. Is everyone content to run the bogus beta 3.8.2 ?

Whether or not you like it, 3.8.2 is a *release*.

>Apparently there may not be a way to obtain modem cards which work
>with 3.8 anymore, forcing everyone using new modems to run 3.8.2,
>which is bullshit.

Perhaps it is due to a forced change in the chipset used. If the chips
they'd been using were no longer available and they had to use a newer
revision it may mean revised drivers, which - of course - would mean new

>How the hell can a company get away with selling hardware that wont
>run on anything except software that isnt officially supported?

3.8.2 is officially supported. Duh.


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