Re: (PM) timing issues on pm3 line1 (fwd)

Jeff Haas (
Wed, 24 Feb 1999 17:46:56 -0500

On Tue, Feb 23, 1999 at 09:58:01PM -0800, MegaZone wrote:
> Once upon a time Robert Hanson shaped the electrons to say...
> >there are SERIOUS PROBLEMS with line1 timing on the PM3 chassis.
> Funny that it isn't a problem for nearly all users.
> If there is a serious problem then it sounds like the line in use is
> not synced to the universal clock like it should be.


This bites you when there are problems with a line. A faulty
line 0 shouldn't nail a perfectly good line 1.

I know that you've dealt with enough telcos to know that they don't
have perfect lines. :-)

How much extra $$ is it to get the timing logic added to the board?
It sounds like someone was scrimping on $$ when designing the internal
CSU's. Either that, or both CSU's are driven off the same chip
and thus assume same clock. Sloppy design work on an otherwise
nice box if so.

> I think this is called a bullshit statement. It works flawlessly on a
> proper network. End of story.

So, doubling your network trouble is an acceptable answer?

I suppose if I actually cared I could buy/build a box to regen T1
signalling and superimpose my own cesium clock signal on top of it.
Hm. Do that - or buy more PM's... interesting question. :-P

> Not sure how it does clocking.

Jeffrey Haas -+- -+- 
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