Re: (PM) PM2E & 2ER POP

F. Michael Taylor (
Tue, 23 Feb 1999 08:50:17 -0800 (PST)

On Tue, 23 Feb 1999, Jake Messinger wrote:
> On Tue, 23 Feb 1999, F. Michael Taylor wrote:
> > At what seems to be random intervals, but always on the weekend, the 2E
> > loses its ability to see the rest of the world. The 2ER does not seem
> > affected. Reseting the NIC on the 2ER has no effect, but reboothing the
> > whole box seems to fix the problem with the 2E.
> So you say rebotting the 2eR fixes the 2e?


> Are you running a routing
> protocol or is the 2e have a static route in it as the default gateway?

Routing for the dial-ups, static between boxen and routers. All default
routes are static.

> Can the 2eR get out tot he rest of the world?


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