Re: (PM) Cisco 1600 and ISDN config.

Scott Silzer (
Sun, 21 Feb 1999 15:08:11 -0500

I'm not sure if you can get to this site without a cco ligin but this a
very good link for 1600 configs:

When we have conected Cisco's to PM3 we have had to turn off chap and use
an unumbered BRI interface.

At 10:39 PM -0500 2/20/99, Mia's Virtual Post Office wrote:
>Hello, I have a customer that has a Cisco 1600 and an NT server on their
>LAN. They have had the ISDN line for over 2month but cannot seem to get
>it to work with their current provider. Apparently they can get
>connected and are pingable, but cannot go anywhere..
>Anyway, he wants to give us a try. What I need to know is how to config
>the Cisco to make some changes? I assume I connect a console to the
>router and change the phone number and login/pass, etc.? I know that I
>need to change the call type to "voice" or "speech" But I am looking for
>some good docs on how to do this, as I have never configured a 1600 for
>ISDN calls. Is all the conig and connection made via console port or is
>there GUI software on the NT similar to DUN for connecting?
>Does anyone have a step by step for configuring a 1600 to connect via
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Scott Silzer
GlobalServe Communications
A Primus Canada Company
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