Re: (PM) SUMMARY - looking for opinions - PM3 and AS5300 (fwd)

Jeff Carneal (
Sun, 21 Feb 1999 13:44:29 -0600 (CST)

On Sun, 21 Feb 1999, Matthew S. Crocker wrote:

> > The point is this...the crappy modem isn't always your problem. The
> > crappy line quality isn't always the problem. But you put a crappy modem
> > together with a crappy line, and it *will not* connect to the PM3 no
> > matter how many gods you pray to.
> Yes, but will a crappy modem/crappy phone combination connect to anything?

It's hit and miss. Unfortunately our Total Control boxes are always so
full that we can't have the customers test against that. However, we do
have an eval 96 port hiper unit that just arrived, so the next 30 days is
going to be fun with regard to testing this exact thing. We've also got
an AS5300 and a PM4 on eval currently, and we intend the testing to be
thorough and (relatively) unbiased. We'll post our results to here and/or

  Jeff Carneal - Sys Admin - Apex Internet    (502) 442-5363

The opinions expressed above aren't really mine. They belong to someone else who also refuses to take responsibility for them.

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