(PM) New to list, and questions

Steve Johnson (lists@elmo.sonic.net)
Sat, 20 Feb 1999 21:56:24 -0800 (PST)

Hello I am new to the list, I work for an ISP that has a large pool of
Livingston PM2er's and Livingston PM3's.. Here's my question..

We seem to be haveing alot of disconnection problems with our users. this
all started witht eh V.90 upgrades. we are running hte current version of
the comOS (ComOS 3.8.2) It seems Livingstons V.90 code is not 100%
compatible with most of the modems out there (at least thats what it looks
like) are any of you haveing problems? is Livingston planning on fixing
this soon?

Thanks for the help.


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