Re: (PM) SUMMARY - looking for opinions - PM3 and AS5300 (fwd)
Sat, 20 Feb 1999 13:56:59 +0100 (MET)

> I tend to agree with MZ. In reality, we have serious trouble with only two
> modems. The Rockwell HCF and the Sportster Winmodem.

But I think there's some other factor in this equation. I use three
different dirt cheap HCF modems, two of them with unknown,
non-upgradeable, firmware, without problems. Possibly the biggest
difference is the telephone-line. We Dutch have relatively short, high
quality lines (at charges so high you guys won't believe me) compared to
America. The longest line you will find here is 8 kilometers (5 miles)
from customer to local exchange, and I have a feeling this matters a lot
for HCF-based trash.

Do others have the feeling there's a relation between quality of
telephone-line and HCF problems?


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