Re: (PM) T1 card sensitivity? (fwd)

MegaZone (
Sat, 20 Feb 1999 04:32:47 -0800 (PST)

Once upon a time Dave Close shaped the electrons to say...
> addition to the timing problem, I was also led to believe that the
> DS3 DACS, at least for this telco, may have timing problems, and the
> 1-0 DACS is more reliable. (Pardon me if I've used the wrong terms
> for the DACS; I'm quoting literally from oral conversation.)

You know that the T1 WAN card is capable of generating clock itself,
you could just turn that on.

> Despite the timing glitch, the upgraded circuit was able to work
> fine on line1 of the PM3. I've never been able to see the timing
> source on that line, it doesn't appear on "show line1", so maybe it

Easy enough to explain - line1 and line0 both take clock from line0.
So if you had a clocked line in line0 the clock would keep line1 in sync
even when the telco wasn't set for clocking.


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