Re: (PM) SUMMARY - looking for opinions - PM3 and AS5300 (fwd)

Kimmo Jaskari (
Sat, 20 Feb 1999 10:06:27 +0200 (EET)

On Fri, 19 Feb 1999, Portmaster wrote:

> >It is a constantly changing cycle, buying a systme because it has the
> >best modem connectivity today, and ignoring everything else, is NOT smar=
> >IMHO. Because you're stuck with that admin headache, even when, NOT if,
> >their modem code takes a downturn. There are also things you can't fix
> I tend to agree with MZ. In reality, we have serious trouble with only t=
> modems. The Rockwell HCF and the Sportster Winmodem. The modems the PM3
> works with, it works with well. It's great with Sportster (real), Courie=
> and most Rockwell (real) modems. It's phenomenal for ISDN (except for so=
> bacp brain damage) and makes the LT Winmodem look like a champ.

Ok; then how do you explain near-constant renegotiations on just about
all real rockwells, even with version 2.200 of the bios (which makes
online gamers so mad you wouldn't believe it - but hey, you try playing
an online session of Quake II and have your link lock solid for 10 secs
in a reneg and see how happy you are...)?=20

Dropped connections across the board on just about all modems out there?

We have a slew of customers complaining about these things, it's not just
a few minor incidents with HCF modems anymore, and I really am running
out of things to blame it on besides the PM-3.



---------------------------------+-------------------------------------+ Kimmo Jaskari | =C5LCOM - =C5lands Datakommunikation Ab = | E-mail: | | | Phone: +358-(0)18-12122 | ---------------------------------+-------------------------------------+

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