Re: (PM) Re: (RADIUS) Encrypted-Password?

I don't work for Lucent RABU (
Fri, 19 Feb 1999 18:36:40 -1000 (HST)

On Fri, 19 Feb 1999, Roy wrote:

> The issue I have is that there in no Radius 2.1... I can't use the beta
> because I need to modify the source. How is support@livingston supposed
> to help me on that issue?

#define VERSION "Livingston RADIUS 2.1b6 1998/08/31"

Uhm, I got that from the website, IIRC... ewps nope from FTP.

BSDOS_3.0> ls
Makefile conf.h log.o pass.o radiusd.o
version.c acct.o dict.o md5.o proxy.o
users.h version.o builddbm* ipass.o menu.o
radius.h users.o vports.o builddbm.o iradiusd*
pass.c radiusd* util.o

which is from: radius21b6.tar

Now you can find it and play with it ;)

> While the Java people are doing nice things and releasing all sorts of
> code, Lucent says "not ready yet" on fixing problems in Radius 2.1,
> COMOS 3.7.2 for the PM2, and 3.8.2 for the PM3. Maybe some reallocation
> of resources is called for?

I asked about this and it's not a matter of reallocation, it's more on
being able to hire people who can do the work. LRABU constantly is
looking for people, but it's a matter of getting the right people in the

> In the notes below, someone was thinking about betting his business by
> switching to a FIVE MONTH old beta. I was recommending against that. A
> conclusion that one might draw is that Radius 2.1 is a very broken piece
> of code that they couldn't fix in five months.

Or there was an issue with a specific section, that wouldn't impact most
uses, BUT that issue means that it cannot be considered a final. 8\
Looking at much of the programs out, it makes you wonder how win98 is
_not_ a beta...

Aloha from Paradise,

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