(PM) COM OS 3.9

craig heading (tasdevil@winsoft.net.au)
Sat, 20 Feb 1999 07:30:22 +1100

Ok, so the secret why pmvision 1.3's graphs dont work is finally
revealed. so where the hell does one get comsos 3.9 from? perhaps this
fixes some problems.... ok so its in beta. cant say 3.8.2, or any other
pm3 code for that matter, looks like it ever got out of beta so whats
the problem?



PMVision 1.3 Release Note

PMVision(TM) is a configuration and monitoring application for Lucent
PortMaster(R) products based on Sun Microsystem's Java Virtual Machine
(JVM) version 1.1.4. PMVision 1.3 is available to any Lucent customer
at no charge.

This version of PMVision works best with the following ComOS(R)
versions and provides equivalent functions:

* ComOS 4.1 (in beta)
* ComOS 4.0
* ComOS 3.9 (in beta)
* ComOS 3.8.2
* ComOS 3.8
* ComOS 3.7.2c3

If you are running an older version of ComOS, not all PMVision functions
are available.
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