Re: (PM) What kind of Sportster is this?

I don't work for Lucent RABU (
Thu, 18 Feb 1999 15:19:58 -1000 (HST)

On Thu, 18 Feb 1999, Craig Shrimpton wrote:

> I have a customer that can't connect above 28.8. The have a USR modem with
> a product ID of 00568702

*BZZT* firmware 5/98 I bet! Lock it to v.34 and educate your customer
that the standard was ratified in 9/98 and USR has _failed_ to provide a
proper upgrade.

> Is that a real Sportster or a Winmodem? USR's wizard says there's no update
> for that but they don't identify what modem it is. When I run "more info"
> in Win95, most of the entrys just say "OK."

It's a USR Winmodem that sucks!

*no I'm not bitter that Manufacturer's are making my life more difficult
than it should be* ;)

Aloha from Paradise,

Sherwood Got Clue? If so: ISPF! The Forum for ISPs by ISPs, <>

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